Self-Protection Clinic


Just before the new year, we conducted a small self-protection clinic for the college-age and college-bound daughters of our students.  We talked about the importance of awareness and spent some time learning basic combatives techniques (and some common self-defense tactics to counter common attacks).  So many people wander around in a state of oblivion, so wrapped up in activities that pull them away from the HERE and NOW.  We are all guilty of this at one time or another.  The fact remains that the opportunistic unsavory individual is going to attack you when it is most advantageous for him.  Don’t present this opportunity willingly!  In order to avoid most any confrontation, you have to maintain 360 degree awareness as soon as you step out the front door each day.  Pay attention to people and situations in your environment, and persist with this until it becomes a habit.  If something doesn’t look right to you, contact the proper authorities.  If your intuition tells you it is something serious, and the authorities give you the brush-off, be persistent with them, too.  Most of self-protection involves having the right mindset and attitude.  Even if you suddenly realize that the fight is upon you, having the right attitude is going to make all the difference in gaining the advantage.  If you have to fight, you must be totally relentless until you are able to secure your safety and/or the safety of the people you love.  You have to make that decision NOW.  Don’t wait to see how you feel on the fateful day you reach a crossroads.  Wouldn’t now be a good time to make the decision to win?


We discussed a couple of great reference books, some that are worth mentioning again:


The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker, available through Amazon:



Girls Fight Back, by Erin Weed, available through her website:



I would like to add this to the list:


Personal Protection Measures, by Steven Mosley, available through his website:

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the book recommendation, and just wanted to say keep up the great work keeping women safe!

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